How to Keep Your Personal Data Safe From Hackers

Tips & Tricks Keep YOur Data Safe

How to Keep Your Personal Data Safe From Hackers: have you ever ever ever noticed that your personal data isn’t as safe as you think? Here are some tips and tricks to remain your personal data safe from hackers!

How to keep your personal data safe from hackers?

Do you want to secure your personal data? Wondering the thanks to keep your personal data safe from hackers? Let’s read carefully some data protection tips to undertake to try to to it.

Moreover, you need to set personal mode, or only close and trusted friends can see your timeline. it’s better to prevent others from posting to your timeline without your permission, block invitation play from the app.

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1.Privacy of your personal data and knowledge on social networks

A social network could also be a kind of virtual society, with the aim of connecting members with the same environment, jobs, interests on the online together. However, social networks also exist many risks of privacy of users’ personal information.

Currently, there are many different kinds of social networks within the planet , of which Facebook and Twitter are the foremost famous. They force users to provide personal information. The more information that users provide on social networks, the more the risks increase. So to reinforce the privacy of personal data on Facebook, you need to not let your date of birth, contact email address.

2.Email security

keep your personal data safe

If your email contains many important personal data and knowledge, it is necessary to protect it. Phishing could also be a kind of email attack during which a scammer poses as a trustworthy source and strives to trick people into falling for a scam.

A phishing attacker maybe wants you to provide personal information, click malicious links/files, or even request a replacement account of personal Identification Numbers (PINs). If you’ve skilled a phishing scam, the attacker can possibly steal your money and open MasterCard and bank accounts in your name, sell your information to other parties who will use it for illegal purposes, etc.

The solution to email security is that you simply simply don’t click on links or files, open messages from unknown senders. instead of clicking on the link attached within the e-mail , you copy that link and paste it on Google to ascertain . Besides, you need to use a strong password for all of your accounts. don’t provide personal data to any unsolicited requests. once you see any discrepancies, solve them the right way and continually check the accuracy of a personal account.

3. Encryption of Personal Data

For sensitive or important information, the security of personal data is vital . Encryption is that the simplest because of protecting personal data within the digital age. encoding is that the conversion of data from one form to a special or into code employing a key. Only the person with access to the right decryption key or password can read it. So albeit your data is stolen, decrypting the data is extremely difficult and takes plenty of some time .

You can secure by encrypting data, .docs files, .ppt, .xml, etc. Currently, many messaging applications also use encryption to secure messages for users. nobody goes to be able to read the content, information within the file after successful encryption.

Today encoding isn’t only applied for people but also widely utilized altogether industries and businesses.

4. Wireless Security

Now, most of the people have a minimum of 1 Internet-connected device. The risks to an unsecured wireless network are always available. to remain your personal data safe, it is necessary to possess wireless security. once you employ Wifi, you’d wish to suits the requirements of wifi security to limit risks.

In addition, if you’re doing not need to use Bluetooth anymore, you need to turn it off immediately. this way helps save the device’s battery while avoiding the risks of possible attacks.

Besides, companies or organizations should have a virtual private network (VPN) because it allows users to connect securely to their network everywhere. VPN helps you hide your browsing activity to form sure privacy. In fact, it really works due to the simplest solution for anonymity, privacy, and security.

keep your personal data safe

VPN is one of the best solutions to secure privacy

5.Backup, Update The Patches

Always software updates and patches can help keep you from losing valuable data. it is vital for your digital safety and cybersecurity. Many of your devices like laptops or Smartphones need to update the patches on a day to day . If you’re doing not update the vulnerability patch provided by the supplier, it’ll be possible for your personal data to be hacked by the hacker.

If the scammer attacks your data, they’re going to use it to commit crimes in your name or encrypt your data. You maybe got to pay a ransom for an encryption key to urge it back. Therefore, backing up software and application patches is extremely important in user data security. Today the developer is striving to look for vulnerabilities and release updates and patches that fix them.

6. Watch out For The online game

Online gaming has quickly developed in recent years so scammers or hackers have taken note. Of course, it contains some risks to your security and privacy. So take care .

If you are not observant in online games, you’re going to access a phishing website that hackers intentionally create to trick users and stole personal data. The entities of this incident are that the hacker drives the user to click on the link to their fraudulent website then forces the user to provide personal data. There are also some advertising firms inviting other players to download “helpful” tools that find yourself being malware.

So if you’re going to play online games, it’s better to know slightly more about gaming threats so on win at playing it safe.


Protect your personal data and knowledge safe from hackers is usually a crucial task at any time. It’s time to require some security measures to avoid attacks from hackers. Hopefully, with the above useful tips, you’ll keep your personal data safe and secure. Besides, if you would like to urge more information or useful advice, you’ll visit this is often an excellent place where people share their knowledge also as experience associated with technology, Cybersecurity, Computers, and more.

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About the Author


Hariom is an account operations expert with over 6 years of experience. He consistently drives excellence in his work, ensuring smooth and efficient operations while delivering outstanding results.

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